What do you girls think of when you hear the word "discipline"?
Do you think of your headmaster and his fierce face confronting you when you did something wrong? Do you dislike the word because it's not a good word?
I used to think that disciplining someone always means something bad, like being scolded or beaten.
But I changed my mind when the Bible actually tells us that disciplining someone is done out of love. From Hebrews 12:6 we can read,
"because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."
I realised that when one disciplines it's done out of love and concern for the person, hoping that he or she will change and grow to be a better person. Someone who closes one eye to your mistakes and do not correct you won't help you to grow as a person. Think about it, it takes more effort to confront a person rather than keeping quiet and pretending nothing has happened, am I right?
So when the madams correct you, it's done out of love. Hope you all understand that and if you show that you are willing to change, it won't lessen our opinions about you. We all learn from mistakes, don't we? =)
I know you all are having holidays now, enjoy your break! Play hard but also work hard k? All the best for Superfoot and Drill Competition!!
46th coy rox!
11 09 10
14 years ago