Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Hello girls!

I guess last Friday parade was sorta messy, with Superfoot and phototaking and all, but hopefully you all enjoyed yourselves. =)

The Winning Team!

The mdms thought that you girls put in alot of effort and we're really proud of you, we could see drastic improvements to all of your drills (wah, we should have this more often). Especially the sec 2s, we all thought that Injin put alot of effort into teaching them new commands, but we are definitely stricter with you guys coz after all the sec 2s have been doing drills a year more than the sec 1s.

The main aim of this is to help you girls improve your drills, so if you feel that your drill has improved then....CONGRATS! you are a WINNER!

Besides that, we had Clare who shared word with us for the first time. Hoot hoot! Great job!

Also, surprisingly, Amelia stepped up and taught drills to the sec 1s! Really proud of you girl~ We all can play our part in GB no matter who we are, every girl a leader yeah?

ORH!! Don't even know ke kiri or ke kenan.

Ok, Happy Good Friday! Anyway would any of you girls like to go cycling with the mdms at ECP this friday?? Come lah, hang out with us? Confirm sure have fun, we are all very fun people. =)

Come k...come lah.