Sunday, December 13, 2009

Notes for Drill Theory Test Stage 1

Things to cover.

1) Uniform Inspection
---Refer to the older post on Monday, March 9, 2009 regarding GB Uniform.
Take note: Socks only GB one-fold socks are allowed.
Please make sure your uniform is dressed properly because the DI will inspect & assess you, NOT me.

2) Sekuad Sedi-A
---Heels together.

3) Senang di-RI

4) Rehatkan di-RI
---Understand when are you in Rehatkan di-RI position.
You DO NOT move unless instructions example "Relax" or "At Ease" is given.

5) Right Dress (Ka-kanan lu-RUS, Pandang kahadapan pan-DANG)

6) Right/Left Turn (Ka-kanan/kiri pu-SING)
---Take note: Timing for turnings is ONE-CHECK-ONE.

7) About Turn (Ka-belakang pu-SING)

8) Stationary to Quick March
---Quick March means General Marching.
Mark Time means Marching on the spot.

9) Marching - Hentak Kaki (chepat) Hentak
---Know the difference between "Hentak Kaki Chepat Hentak" and "Hentak Kaki Hentak".

10) Marching - Maju
11) Wheeling - Belok (Dari kanan/kiri, kanan/kiri BELOK)

12) Marching - Pandang ka-kanan/kiri/hadapan pan-DANG
---Please remember which row DO NOT need to tilt their heads.

13) Halt - Sekuad Berhen-TI

14) Fall out - Keluar-BARIS/ Bersu-RAI
---Keluar-BARIS means Fall Out
Note: This command marks a break in the drill parade and not the end of it.
The squad will therefore not leave the parade ground but will wait for further instructions.
Bersu-RAI means Dismiss
Note: This command is given at the end when dismissing girls and not gathering them again.

15) Semula
---Take note: Semula is a COMMAND. Therefore, it should be executed just like any other command.
Purposes of Semula:
1. Reverting the squad or individual to the previous position when a wrong move is executed.
2. Correcting the last command given.

16) General Smartness
---Things like
Head faces front.
Eyes look straight ahead.
Shoulders back.
Arms straightened & held to the sides.
Fists clenched.
Executes movements smartly.

All in all, go remember all your timings for all the commands listed and how it is executed.

Those who cannot take the Theory Test on 15th Dec. Please come on 17th Dec. If not, come at 6:30am on 19th Dec or else you will be disqualified.

For your Theory Test, there will be 3 Sections. Sections A, B and C.
Section A will solely be on Uniform, so you better go read up.
Section B is MCQ on Stage 1 commands.
Section C on Stage 1 commands also.

Drill Practices:
15th Dec 1pm-3pm (COME IN FULL UNIFORM).
17th Dec 9am-12pm

Mdm Joy